Yesterday the weather seemed like spring, no snow and temps in the 30's with sunshine. The roads were still a little muddy so I did the prescribed workout on the trainer. Later I used the leaf blower to clean up the yard of all the leaves and debris that had accumulated so far over the winter. Its amazing how many leaves seem to pile up even though you had them picked up before the first snowfall.
The roads had firmed up enough that I did my training ride outside this morning. Shortly after leaving the house I found an empty wallet on the dirt road near Bald Mountain. I needed a new wallet so I put it in my jacket. But shortly after the wallet I began to find its contents, including a driver's license and credit cards along the road for the next mile or so. I picked all that up too so that I could try and find the owner after I got home. I also found a cell phone charger and laptop charger along with various files and folder dumped along the side of the road. I figures someone probably had their car broken into or stolen and the back roads were a safe place for the thief to throw out the evidence.
On the way back home I took the same dirt road and found another credit card I had missed on the way out. I also picked up the chargers and papers to bring back. Once home I did a quick search on the Internet for the owner's phone number and managed to get in touch with them.
It turns out they lived two streets over from me and had left their cars unlocked and the contents were stolen. The sheriff who was there filling out a report when I called came over and picked up the items I had found. I'm not sure why these people were targeted but they do live at the edge of the state recreation area so it may have been easy to break in and then head back into the woods. It makes you think about keeping everything locked up.
This week the temperatures will be slipping back to normal winter highs and lows and some snow coming in as well. Hopefully we will get enough for some more xc skiing or else we may end up heading back up north next weekend.
The picture below is from the webcam at Big Mountain ski area in Whitefish, Montana. Jason called me this morning to have me log on and take a look at it while he stood in front of the camera with Oliver. Oliver is really getting bigger and we need some more pictures of him.