First the biggest news. I am going to be a grandpa again! Jason and Emily decided that one child was so much fun that they wanted another to keep Oliver company. Actually they are planning for a large family so they are well on their way. From what we have seen so far they are great parents and really enjoying the family life. Anyone who has seen the pictures on Jason's blog can see how happy they are. We wish we could be closer to see them more often.
And in related news, Jason and Emily have decided to follow their hearts and faith and will be moving to Spokane to take positions at
Mount St. Michael's Academy. Jason taught there a few years ago and he and Emily were married there last year. Jason will be teaching physical education and another subject TBD, while Emily will be starting a preschool at the Mount.
They have been offered living quarters in the school and in fact have the entire floor of one of the wings that was originally for housing the girls that lived on campus. They will have about 2500 square feet of space complete with kitchen, living areas, and several bedrooms. Plenty of space for two kids to run around and hide in. And they will also have space for guests.
While we certainly enjoyed visiting in Montana and the beauty of the outdoors, Spokane will provide them with quite a few options they couldn't really get in the relatively rural setting they are in now. And there are more flights into Spokane should we get the chance to visit.
We wish them all the best as they prepare to take on new challenges, both as a family and in their careers.
An aerial view of the academy, I think their new home will be the lower floor of the wing to the left.