Emily, Oliver and Isabel came in to town Wednesday afternoon and left this morning to fly back to Spokane. Jason had gone back earlier in the month and the rest of the family had been visiting Emily's relatives in Indiana. That meant they had been away from home for five weeks. I know that as much as they liked visiting they were anxious to get home. And Jason was glad to have them back as well.
It was amazing the how fast the two kids had grown just in the month since we had last seen them. It was fun playing with them and almost watching them develop before our eyes. I'm sure the next time we see them they will have really grown. Hopefully we can get out to Spokane this summer after Emily has their next child.
Sandy and I took the family to the airport early this morning and saw them through check-in and security. The line inside was really long and we were worried that they wouldn't make their flight. After checking the bags the security line was also long. Fortunately the guards waved Emily and the kids to a special checkpoint to expedite their processing.
I'm not sure if it was because the kids were in the big double passenger stroller or that Emily was pregnant or that they didn't want the kids to have to wait in the long line. In any case they made it through and got to gate as the flight was beginning to board.
Their flights were on time and they arrived at home safe and sound although their two car seats that had been checked didn't seem to make the flight. Hopefully they show up soon as other items were packed with the seats. In the meantime the airline offers loaner car seats.
After leaving the airport Sandy and I went to the Eastern Market to stock up on fresh produce. We had never been there in the winter and while it was cold in some of the buildings, it also wasn't as crowded as we were used to. It was nice to be able to park close and also browse the merchandise without fighting the crowds.
Once back at home I headed out on the bike for a 3+ hour ride. The sunny skies and lack of much wind meant the ride didn't feel nearly as cold as the thermometer indicated. But my frozen water bottle said otherwise. Fortunately it was my second bottle, the first one was consumed before freezing.
While I felt OK during the ride and my knee doesn't really bother me much, once off the bike it definitely hurts. This week I finally made and appointment to go see a doctor that specializes in knee pain. He comes highly recommended by a friend who has used him.
I don't get to see him until the 8th so I may not race my own winter race coming up next weekend at Lake Orion High School. And until I find out if it is anything serious, I also don't know what races I am going to do this year. Maybe it is just a deep bruise that requires a little more time to heal.
Tomorrow is the MMBA annual meeting in Lansing. I'm driving over early to help the Cannondale rep set up his merchandise and hopefully come back home early as well. They also have a swap meet but I don't really need anything in the way of bike parts. If anything I should sell some of the extra stuff I have laying around.